Pennsylvania State Fox & Coyote Hunter's Association
Annual Meeting
The PA State Fox & Coyote Hunter’s Association has an annual banquet
meeting to discuss various business matters of the association. Financial
and budge minutes covered, review of year's events and planning of new
agenda. Election of Officers, Awards given to youth members and youth
recognition awards for achievements of skills & leadership.
Awards presented during the 2015 Annual
Youth members were recognized for their hunting achievements during the
2014-2015 season
From left: Logan Jennings and Rachael Stucker – First Coyote, Meghan Clark
and Nick Solinsky – First Bear.
Awards presented during the 2014 Annual Meeting
From left – Adrianna McCracken, Anna Brown, Josh Brown and James Conway
received their “First Deer” or “First Turkey” Awards from Director Ron
Davis at the 2014 Annual Meeting.
(Josh Brown received both awards).
Recipients of Youth Awards presented during the 2014 Annual
Recipients of Youth Awards presented during
the 2013 Annual Meeting
(L-R) John Chapman (Achievement Award), Johnathon Saxe, Emily Carr, Matt
Mauer, Mike Davis and Rachel Stucker (First Deer Awards). Director Ron
Davis, grandfather of Mike Davis, presented the awards.
2013 Annual Meeting
Head table and other participants enjoy the introduction of nine year old
James Conway (son of Paul and Lisa Conway). James was spontaneously
declared President of the Youth Auxiliary.
2009 Annual Meeting – Youth Awards
(L-R) Brett, Colton and Bill Babcock, Drew and Joel Williams and PA Game
Commissioner Jay Delaney. Colton received his First Deer Award while Drew
received the Achievement Award for winning the Photo Hunt Contest during
Family Day activities. The Babcock’s represent three generations of
membership in the Pennsylvania State Fox & Coyote Hunter’s Association